021-35123213 contact@greensholding.com

The Future is GREEN

Greens project will act as a catalyst for revenue generation and will create a new focus on the economy


Better Green Eco-future!


Green Holdings will operate as a profitable business and would be beneficial for organic food provision, maintaining human well-being and quality of life. Our ecosystem will assist in removing heat from the air through evapotranspiration. The toxic carbon dioxide in our environment has led to respiratory disorders but in the green ecosystem, our tree forest will lessen the toxic gasses. The infrastructure reduces carbon emission and pollution, enhanced energy, and a variety of trees will be planted to aid in the detoxification of air. Since the world is hit by COVID-19 and the economies are falling down, this project will act as a catalyst for revenue generation and will create a new focus on the economy. The organically produced products from our farm will provide customers the unmatched delicious and healthy food and the cattle we are breeding will cater to the production need.


Blockchain & Partnership


The Green Holdings ecosystem’s largest and central division is the cattle farm. Cattle right from the point that they are born or brought into the farm can be tagged with an RFID tag or similar IoT device. As the cattle grow or eventually are taken for production data on a regular basis can be obtained by scanning the tags capturing information like weight, feed taken or milk production etc. This information is then stored on a blockchain providing data transparency. As blockchain has the feature of immutability and the data captured automatically from the tag provides a high level of visibility for owner and consumers alike. Installation of IoT devices is a great way to track real time data, which then can be recorded on to the blockchain ledger for data tracking as pure data allowing the integrity of data.

Blockchain allows transparency of data to such an extent that once any data is

recorded onto the ledger after going through a rigorous validation process, that particular data set cannot be changed (e.g. it provides an immutable data of the animal’s diet throughout its life). The data can be appended but not changed leaving the previous entry of data to remain on the ledger. This can ensure the legitimacy of the green ecosystem project to the public and consumers. Other automated IoT sensors can be installed at next stages to inspect and ensure that

the health of the cattle and other animals. These devices check and verify the condition of an animal and whether or not they are in optimal living conditions. Traceability feature of the Blockchain strengthens the entire supply chain management of Green Holdings. A public permission blockchain solution can help with ensuring the data is secured to individual divisions yet specific sets of the data can be made shareable or completely public.


We look for better Eco-future!


Green Holdings will operate as a profitable business and would be beneficial for organic food provision, maintaining human well-being and quality of life. Our ecosystem will assist in removing heat from the air through evapotranspiration. The toxic carbon dioxide in our environment has led to respiratory disorders but in the green ecosystem, our tree forest will lessen the toxic gasses. The infrastructure reduces carbon emission and pollution, enhanced energy, and a variety of trees will be planted to aid in the detoxification of air. Since the world is hit by COVID-19 and the economies are falling down, this project will act as a catalyst for revenue generation and will create a new focus on the economy. The organically produced products from our farm will provide customers the unmatched delicious and healthy food and the cattle we are breeding will cater to the production need.

Interested In Partner With Us?

Contact us now, and we are excited to join hands together

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